Monday, April 28, 2008

Ingrid has checked in!

Dear Mama Halor,

Hey, it's me - Ingrid! My PR's just showed me all the pictures of my siblings - neat! I really liked the pictures of everybody swimming. I am really healthy and enjoying the weather in Orlando. People must think I've got a sun burn because my hair is turning toasty red/brown. I only have one picture to share today. I was feasting on roast duck (imitation) at my 6 month birthday party. I will have a lot more pictures to share pretty soon - my trip to the farm; my new CCI girl friend Alanis; my new boy friend Hugger (don't worry mom, he is neutered); Florida's beautiful flowers (I think they call them high biscuits or something like that. I'll write again soon,


1 comment:

Gerda said...

hey, great to hear from you Ingrid. We have those high biscuit flowers here in San Diego too. You sure are pretty and I'm glad that you are making friends. I can hardly wait to see more pictures. I have my own blog too so if you want to catch up then go to Can I post your picture on my blog?

Your big brother
