I've managed to get myself way behind... Just put up the Christmas tree yesterday - but, still no ornaments on it. Bought Christmas cards, but I'm out of ink, so I can't print the address labels, so that's as far as that project's gotten. I have a few posts for the blog, so I'm trying to catch up.
The other day, Cayenne and Cirie came over to play. This brother and sister team is about 6 months old and I don't think they'd ever had an experience like this one. My girls were happy for the company and before long, the two pups could hardly walk.
While the pups played, the puppy raisers yakked - as you can imagine. We discovered that Cirie and Cayenne are pups out of Rowina (mostly Golden but not quite) and Alijah (all Golden). Alijah is a male breeder out of Kittredge (all Golden). Kittredge, is a male breeder out of our Piniella and OMSI - PIniella's first litter, soooooo, everyone, except Sable, was related.
My friend Averell is raising Carol in Florida, so I'll send her this link of Carol's sibs playing at our house.
You might be able to tell from the video that Cayenne hasn't been to see the vet for that 6 month event most CCI boys don't look forward to ~ he definitely took a shine to Halor and Izzy and was more interested in them than the ball.
Please excuse Piniella's bad manners - that's just so unlike her!