Izzy's sister Ingrid sent us a letter this past week. She writes that she is doing well, has not gone into heat and is studying hard in school. She went to see a neighbor in the hospital and was a very good girl and her neighbor loved seeing her. Izzy was very happy to hear that she is not the only girl in the litter with the "Imelda Marcos' shoe fetish." Ingrid carries shoes two at a time up the stairs - Izzy still makes multiple trips - but she sure loves our shoes.

Ingrid sent her mom this beautiful smile!
1025What a cute smile. It is so much fun to hear how the littermates have some similar traits. shoes are irish's favorite things. He doesn't chew them just carries them around or brings them to his bed to snuggle with. (okay he's odd). If I can't find a shoe I just go look on his bed. So we've got one in Florida, one in Georgia, one in Minnesota?, one in San Diego, two up your way inc Iz Where are the other two?
two (Ivan and Ikris) are in Santa Rosa with first time puppy raisers. I've heard from one of them one time.
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