Here in the Northwest Region, we don't begin receiving monthly reports until our pups have been in advanced training for about 1 1/2 months. Izzy started AT in February and the first month is usually spend doing health and temperament tests, getting the dogs settled into the kennels with roommates they can get along with, and letting the instructors get to know the dogs. The NWR does send us this letter to let us know all is well and they send along a 5x7 that was taken the morning of graduation. This is our photo with Izzy. These past 7 dog turn-in matriculation photos constitute just about the only "family portraits" we've ever done, so they are pretty valuable to me. The earlier ones have the kids in them, now, it's usually just Dennis and me with the latest pup.
News flash - pups are due next Friday (which with Hal, probably means Saturday). We're going for an x-ray on Monday morning. Can't wait to find out what's going on in there ~ she's huge!