Saturday, June 7, 2008

second in a series ~ Sea World

I'm always behind the camera (except at NWR turn-in day when I'm the one positioning dogs...) when we are on trips - because I take way too many photos. I'm definitely entertained by us CCI puppy raisers and our efforts to get our pups positioned "just so" for a photo op. In this photo - Paula and Kathy are doing the work while the rest of us watch and laugh. Izzy and Dory got the easy spots and are just along for the ride.

OK, so Paula has left the scene and Hennessy is going after her... Note how good Prairie is at doing the perfect "UP" behind the dog bowl.... or, is that Kathy propping him up??

Finished product.... but the gang is looking the wrong direction - probably at Kathy who just ran out of the photo trying to make sure Prairie stays in position long enough... Pups are Prairie at the top and clockwise from him ~ Dory, Izzy, Calendar, and Hennessy.

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