While we Californians were reveling in our great weather with beautiful sunny blue skies a few months (probably even a few days) ago, Debbie and Ike were snowed in and freezing. Now, we can't see across the street due to the soot and ash particles in the air and Ike is posing with beautiful flowers in puppy raiser Lois's garden. Summer has finally happened in Minnesota! The family resemblance is amazing ~ a lot of Irish, Izzy, and Ira in that beautiful face.
Thanks, Debbie, for sending an update!
I had to delete my first comment because it was full of typing errors and Irish was very disturbed by that (such a perfectionist). We wanted to say how much we enjoyed the pictures and we are happy that it is finally nice in Minnesota although Irish is a bit disappointed that he didn't get to see snow. I told him maybe next year. I hope that the fires in northern california are contained soon. Having gone through fires last year in San Diego, I know that the soot and air quality can wreck havoc on living (especially if you are a dog)
Irish and Vicki in San Diego
just testing something on my own blog....
Eileen in Seattle said....
The pictures are beautiful - dogs and flowers. The peonys are especially beautiful.
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