Sunday, May 25, 2008

Agility Anyone?

Today, Izzy and I went to Dixon, California (that's another story) to some agility trials. It was a pretty big affair with at least three rings going concurrently. I'm not very up on agility, but we sure enjoyed watching. Izzy was very intrigued by the vast array of dogs - big dogs, little dogs, noisy dogs and VERY noisy dogs.

This dog was fun to watch and there was one of those corded dogs named "Harry." I thought that was a very appropriate name. The Bearded Collie seemed to tell off his handler every time he made a wrong turn. Very funny!

I really enjoyed watching the Border Collies because they really seem to get the biggest thrill out of SPEED. Total speed demons!

When I saw Helen last week at CCI, she reminded me that I had purchased some agility things and I was forced to admit that I hadn't taken them out of the box. Today, I was motivated to come home and put these three things together. Halor was thrilled, Izzy was curious, and Piniella was border-line interested. The princess, Miss P, walked through the tire and over the jump ~ just because I asked her to.

Hallie really gets it!

Hal usually misses a pole or two - so we'll have to work on it until she gets too big to weave...

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